Japan Phone Number Locator
Enter a 3-digit area code like 052, or whole phone number like 052-1620623
1. Please enter a full phone number, or at least 2/3/4/5 digits(as an area code) to determine the location in Japan.
2. According to the Japanese phone number rules, the first 2/3/4/5 digits of the phone number can locate the city and area, meanwhile you can also get some other information such as timezone, language, etc. we only provide the city location for now, therefore, even if you enter the full 10 phone number, we will only according to the previous 2/3/4/5 digits to locate.
3. At present, we do not provide a service of using the phone number to locate a specific person, which is a privacy infringement.
4. It is not any arbitrary 3 numbers or 2/3/4/5 digits can have accurate positioning, because some may not be used.
5. If you want to learn more rules of Japanese phone number, please refer to the Wikipedia - Telephone numbers in Japan.
Japan Phone Number Locator Example
Japan Phone Number Generator